LAST DANCE IN KALOLENI is a drama about the struggle of ordinary people for an acceptable future in the face of political and personal uncertainty and upheaval. Set in 1959 Nairobi, Kenya, on the eve of independence from colonial rule, the story follows the life of Miriam, a young housewife living in African Railway housing estates, who loves to dance. Jolted out of her secure surroundings of the Railways by her husband, Aleke’s industrial accident, she finds herself thrown into the center of political and personal transformation. Miriam’s life, dreams of upward mobility and sense of self must be reconsidered as she struggles to find a way to survive. In the process she runs into an old flame, Tipa, who complicates her decisions. Her ability to dance proves essential to her survival and the final choices she makes.
” We are passionate about this story for its ability to bring back those times and those dreams that imagined life and the city yet to come. We embark on this film project to celebrate Nairobi. “
Ujenzi is a musical reflection and celebration of Kenya’s history. The music, as with all other works by the composer, is his interpretation of the classical music idiom from a Kenyan’s perspective